Update on Book Writing

This will be a shorter post than the last two, so you get a relief from my crazy rantings for today :). I wanted to give my followers an update on what I hope is back on track for writing and publishing a book. I now have my chapters named, my sayings to start my chapters posted to my book, and the dedication page completed. 

I also have several pages started. I have jumped around a bit with writing as some parts become to hard to write about at times. I have pulled old journals where I started writing to Big Bubby after we lost him and believe it or not, I feel like I have made huge strides after reading those first pages of the first journal. I was in a way darker/foggier place than I really wanted to admit and face. More to come in the book on that.

So I am getting really excited about this book thing. I don’t know if it will ever be published but wow, those of you who have known me for many years know this is not something usual for me to be excited about. I have always been a very introverted person. When I started this blog, it was to help me get my emotions out and on “paper”. Now I am using this along with my journals to write the book.

It is definitely crazy how life changes can change a person even at an older age. When something tragic happens I think that we all take a second look at our life and whether or not what road we are on is worth it. I know I did and have talked about it in past posts. I still love what I do but look forward to the next adventure I am on with the book.

As I get closer to the finish line, I will let everyone know if a publishing company laughed and slammed the door in my face regarding publishing the finished product. Wish for the best for me…..

My Book Will Be Here One Day!

5 thoughts on “Update on Book Writing

  1. Best Wishes for the book! Keep it Up!

    I have to tell you as one accountant to another, I too started to write a book a couple years ago. I just found the outline and Chapter titles I started to write about. I also wanted to write about loss. It was about the loss of a pet though, not a child. My friend Kathleen has published books and told me she saw me successful in this. I started it and I really have no idea why I stopped except I got stuck. I moved on to other jobs where I knew I could make money. I also wanted to write about love and the true gift the animals in my life gave me. Each one gave me different lessons.

    I liken it back to a book I was given back in 2002 called “The Victoria’s Secret Catalogue Keeps On Coming”. It was so darn funny! You really have to find humor in life. That book gave me the courage to reach out and find people before a blog existed and find people to connect to when I needed those people. I needed those people to support me then with breast cancer. I got it. You seem to be getting it now. I just wish I could give you more but perhaps you need the people that know your loss exactly to help you.

    OK, back to the point! Keep writing! You have just inspired me to go back to writing. Remember that day when the storms clouds parted and the sun shined on Big Bubby’s grave? We all had a laugh about how it looked strange at the gravesite because someone poured out a beverage? The sun came out at that moment while you played that song I will never forget. Then the clouds came back. It was like he shinned down on us for that moment. Those are the moments you have to recall along with all the childhood moments.

    I digressed again……giving you good book points….keep writing. Those were simply my memories. Yours may be quite different and they should be yours.

    Dogs are getting up now as Matt taught them during the week for this horrible hour when he goes to work. The weekend falls to me…..

    Love Ya!

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