Life Coach and Speaker

I have realized over the past year that I have a purpose other than being a wife, mom, friend, employee, or person. I have the ability to help others. I have began the training to become a Life Coach and now feel that I am ready to be a speaker at events to tell Brenton and I’s story. 

I believe telling our story will not only help me through my grief but will give others hope that there is a time and a place where your “new” gives you the ability to help others in many ways. Your’s doesn’t have to be coaching or speaking. Your’s could be paying it forward in other areas.

If you have a need for either, please contact me on my contact page and I will return your message as quickly as I can. I now live in the Dallas/Fort Worth Texas area. I would love to help where I can.

Following by the Lead You Gave to Me Brenton!