Day 11: If We Were Having Coffee Right Now

Wow this will be a tough one for me. So please be patient with me while I fumble through this writing exercise.

Baby Sis If we were having coffee right now – We would be at Starbucks I am sure. We would be talking school, pigs, boys, what your next step in life is, etc. We would be talking about how you are trying to figure out how to set your pig farm up while you are still in college. Then we would probably go get a mani/pedi now that you are a little more girl than tomboy…lol. I would tell you that I am so proud of the woman you are becoming and love that you are living life to the fullest like you should. Big Bubby would be so proud of what you have accomplished in such a short amount of time.

Million Dollar Brother If we were having coffee right now – Again, probably at Starbucks. We would be talking about horses and what all goes along with it. We would also be talking about the Masked Rider and what appearances you have coming up with that. I would tell you that I am so proud of who you are becoming. The little boy who didn’t want a big fuss over a hair cut so many years ago is now the outgoing Mascot for a Division 1 Big 12 football team. How far you have come from that little boy in Hair Queens chair to now.

Big Bubby If we were having coffee right now – That would mean you were still here on this earth with me.  I could hold you and touch you and tell you everything that has gone on the last eight months you have missed out on. I would tell you how very proud of you I am for what you did that morning even though my heart is truly broken into a million pieces without you. I would tell you that we are making it, hour by hour, day by day. Some are better than others but we still wake the next morning to do what we must do. I would tell you that I miss you with every part of my being and don’t know how to fill that empty place in my heart that you took with you when you left. Your our Big Bubby, you will always be my baby, and I will forever miss you.

Cowgirl If we were having coffee right now – I would tell you how much my husband and I love you and are here to support you 100%. No matter where life takes you, you will always be our daughter. We will always love you and will forever want to be a part of your life.

Hubby If we were having coffee right now – We wouldn’t be because you don’t drink coffee. But if we were to somehow be having something to drink right now, I would tell you how much I love you and how much I appreciate the magnitude of support you have given me over the last eight months. If you think you haven’t, you are mistaken. I wouldn’t be where I am right now if it wasn’t for your everlasting love for me and the quiet support you show when you know I need it.

Band of Big Bubby’s Brothers If we were having coffee right now – Wow, we would need a big table in a crowded bar instead of coffee. We would not be drinking coffee if I know us well enough by now. 🙂 There would be lots of old stories told, new ones that I have never heard and probably shouldn’t hear. There would be laughter and tears but at the end of the day, we would all hug each other, tell each other we love each other, and thank Big Bubby for bringing this wild and crazy family together the way he did.

Hair Queen If we were having coffee right now – You would be cutting my hair and complaining about how fast it grows and yours won’t. We would be talking about everything that has happened since the last time we saw each other. You would be telling me all the good gossip that has happened. It would be a good day.

My Hotel Owner who always puts my family up when we are in town If we were having coffee right now – We would be on your deck watching the ducks float by on the lake. You are forever part of our family and we love you for all you do for us. Especially when we come back to Dallas for special occasions and you freely open your home for us to stay in since we have so many that come with us. Thanks for taking us in and making us a part of your life and family. We all love you dearly!

I know that I have missed so many who should be on this list of coffee drinking meetings. I apologize now for that. Know that I love you as much as these above and that you are not forgotten.

coffee (1)how-to-make-cup-of-coffee



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